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Curing Oven/固化炉

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Curing Oven/固化炉

1.  最多可同时加热固化24个光纤接头
2.  加热均匀,接头损耗小
3.  采用精密温控系统,可调温度60-150℃,温控精度达±1℃
4.  固化工装可更换,减少辅助时间,操作简单,可靠
5.  可根据客户需要,定制不同芯数及规格的固化工装及加热烤板
The fiber curing oven for engineering has excellent performance comparing to the command of fiber curing process. A variety of connector can be cured fin the fiber curing oven. The fiber curing oven can be used in the house or field operations. The production of fiber curing oven reaches the command of curing oven process. The fiber curing oven has high quality and stability.

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